Not really! Just trying to get your attention! 😉

Here’s the deal… your Newborn's pictures are how you document this incredible time in your life and we know that you want to remember this moment and all your baby's tiny little parts forever, am I right?

We can totally help you with that!

Prepping for their session is where most parents over think it and ends up ruining their Newborn's first photo Session instead of getting those images you really wanted in the first place! Sometimes you may wanna attempt taking the images yourself or hiring a cheaper photographer, but skimping now just ISN’T THE TIME. Trust us, here!

Let’s talk about 5 things you DON’T want to do before your Newborn Session:

  1. WAIT: In a perfect world, you should be booking your baby’s Newborn Session while you’re still expecting, but life gets in the way and sometimes that doesn’t always happen, and that’s ok!  There's a perfect window of time where baby is the most flexible and sleepy. Ideally, you should book in your third trimester. Why? Because I reserve only so many days per week to photograph newborns, and you want to make sure that the availability is there for you and your baby. It’s totally understandable if you might have put this off during your pregnancy and now baby has already arrived and you’re ready to book. If baby is already here, like even if baby is just 20 minutes new, book your Newborn Session ASAP <-- click here!!! Baby is literally only this tiny ONCE! Time flies before your eyes and 2 days later they're 10! Not really, but it definitely feels like it!
  2. SUCK:  Many babies may not be hungry, but need to be comforted. One of the most soothing things for newborns is sucking. It calms them and allows them to satisfy their instincts while I gently pose them, and baby can't be attached to Mom the entire session or we wouldn't be able to get anything done! The best pacifiers for newborns is the Soothie, in my professional opinion, and 9/10 hasn't been rejected by a newborn during a session.
  3. FREAK OUT: Babies can feel your energy, and if you’re stressed, they are stressed too. Come to the studio ready to relax and enjoy seeing your newborn being cutely posed and photographed. This is a time to remember! AND...don't worry about baby's skin. Baby's skin may be less than perfect. No worries, I'm a professional skin editor and can fix that in a flash. Please don't NOT book because you're worried that baby's skin looks bad.
  4. STARVE: Don't starve that baby! Begin your session with a full belly. Before arriving to the NDP Studio, I'll ask you to feed before you leave, if possible, so that baby is fully fed, comfortable and sleepy to begin the session.
  5. SWEAT: I keep the studio at a warm 80°, for baby of course. Baby can't regulate their temperature yet and get cold easily so this keeps THEM comfortable. I'm here for the babes, gotta keep them happy! Even though the warmth keeps baby comfortable and sleepy, it can be hot and sweaty, especially for a new mom who’s hormones can make the heat unbearable. I mean let's be real...It's hot for me! Wear light clothing to ensure that you don’t get too warm while in the studio.

Hope this info helped and I look forward to seeing YOU in the Studio!

Ready to book your newborn session? Message me below for more info or click here to go straight to the Booking process!


We are here to help YOU! Please don't hesitate to reach out!

I don't bite!

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